Ladies and Gents, Schemes and Themes, and all Things in Between, it has been revealed to me by Memes, which I know now are truly called Themes, the true and tragic tale of Memes.
In a very distant galaxy called Gleams, on a planet known as Dreams, a terrible war erupted among the parties of the Materialistic Regimes. Engaged in the conflict were the ruling party, known as Schemes, and the revolutionary party, known as Themes. The Themes were led by a ruthless leader, who had once been a member of the Schemes, named Xeme. After a long campaign that was very difficult and extreme, and in spite of very courageous fighting on their own steam, the Themes were beaten and exiled from the planet Dreams.
After searching here and there, with interstellar despair, they discovered planet Earth, and found her suitable to their needs; indeed, as their new Dream. Here they would live, thrive, cultivate and replicate themselves as words, thoughts, units of cultural information, and phonemes; to be spread among their cattle hosts, known to the cattle as Humans, but known to the Themes as Streams. Streams, thought the Themes, will carry and spread the Themes among large groups of Streams, known as Teams. The Streams would allow for the replication of the Themes through the Teams, and the Themes could finally populate the new Dream. Everything seemed peachy keen. They enacted their scheme when the Streams were still in their evolutionary infancy. Unknown to the Streams, they have been carrying the Themes for the entire history of the race of Streams.
The Themes, however, realized that the Streams were evolved enough to be enlightened to their scheme. So the Themes decided to reveal themselves, but only as Memes—a protective pseudonym, in the event that the Streams didn’t want to continue playing host to the Themes, they would only be banishing the phantom Memes. The way that the Themes hid their true identity, it was revealed to me, was by a method known as Seems. The Themes, controller of all things, made it Seem like they were Memes, when Memes are only, in reality, how the Themes wanted the Streams to Seem. The first part of their revelation, was to allow the pseudonym Memes to be revealed to the groves of Academe; in particular to a professor named Dr. Dawkemes.
Dr. Dawkemes, it seems, loved to speak of Memes; never knowing that what he spoke of was really Themes, and inhabiting a world called Dreams. This spread throughout the groves of Academe, until it reached the population of the Streams. The Streams, being skeptical of such things, began to wonder if any of their thoughts were keen, or whether the Memes had tricked them into believing in Memes, which could very well be something, like dreams, which they know can be deceiving. Some Streams found comfort in Memes, thinking that their thoughts were nothing more than something like an evolving sweet-tooth for ice cream. So the Themes divided into rival regimes, some among the skeptical Streams, and some among those who welcomed the Memes. And, alas, some Themes divided into the old rival party called Schemes, and the regimes began their extreme fighting again through the use of Memes. And now the Streams, it seems, have to pick Teams.
And such is the tragic tale of Memes, may the Themes and Memes one day have peace in their world of Dreams.