Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community


Bacterial flagellum: Engineering design constraints

The flagellum is a good example of what doesn’t work in purely naturalist explanations. None of it happened by chance unless you think masses of information can just suddenly pop into existence by chance. Wouldn’t that be magic? Miracle? Read More ›

New paper at Biocomplexity by Daniel Andrés Díaz-Pachón and Robert J. Marks II

Paper's conclusion: We have proposed extension of active information for domains other than those confined to a finite interval. Maximum entropy (maxent) is defined on domains other than a finite interval. Read More ›

Evolutionary Teleonomy: Support from Mainstream Evolutionary Biologists

Two years ago, I started suggesting not only should the modern synthesis be dropped, I suggested an alternative (ID-friendly) paradigm that could be used in its place in evolutionary biology. This week, a near-identical concept was suggested by a major evolutionary biologist in a mainstream journal. I coined the term “evolutionary teleonomy” to refer to the new paradigm. You can see the video that I introduced the term with below, or read the Bio-Complexity paper on it here. Additionally, a week and a half ago, I posted a video describing in detail various evidences for the cellular processes involved in evolutionary teleonomy here: I have other research towards that end, which, if interested, you can find here. So, just the Read More ›