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College Board

Suzan Mazur at Oscillations: “Natural selection” unit removed from AP biology exam

Most likely it was a combination of Mazur getting on the story and a general recognition that full-on Darwinism just isn’t cutting it any more. Stuff that worked in the 1980s isn’t going to fly now that genomes are routinely mapped. Read More ›

The College Board Exams (Darwin-only evolution) meets COVID-19

Independent journalist Suzan Mazur followed up with the College Board testing on evolution knowledge among U.S. students, which seems to test mainly for familiarity with the Darwin sect’s interpretation. Well, we can spare you the suspense, dear readers, by revealing that they weren't thrilled to hear a critical question. Read More ›

At Oscillations: “Natural selection” issue stirs again at College Boards

It goes on and gets way better. You’ll be amazed at the idiocracy that the testing establishment takes for granted and promotes. Read at her site about how one testcrat even administered the same test twice, a fact advertised on the internet… and more. By the way, why don't we hear much about this from other science writers? Read More ›