Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community


David Gelernter in a more accustomed role… asking rude questions about Facebook’s $billions

Gelernter: But why is it [Facebook] so valuable? Because we have all given it our information. It just seems to us that if this information makes Facebook such a huge amount of money, why don’t we make some of the money… we, meaning the users? Read More ›

ID-related posts deleted from friendly Facebook pages as spam

I (O’Leary for News) just discovered this fact because, acting on a tip, I was trying to find out whether mine was one of the millions of recently hacked accounts. I haven’t found that out yet but here is a list of posts Facebook removed from various groups’ Facebook pages as spam: Sociologist Steve Fuller: How ID Foxes Can Beat the Darwinian Lions Fuller clearly finds the ID foxes more interesting and sympathetic figures than the Darwinian lions: “The lion rules by focused shows of force, as opposed to the fox’s diverse displays of cunning.” [We removed this post because it looks like spam and doesn’t follow our Community Standards. CLOSED] [From Evolution News, removed from Sanctuary, ID Consistent with the Read More ›