Richard Feynman
At Mind Matters News: Has the human sense of smell declined in recent millennia?
Some thoughts from Richard Feynman on science and religion
Isaac Newton and Richard Feynman on ancient sources who thought Earth is a sphere, orbiting the sun
Massimo Pigliucci: Feynman was wrong about truth and beauty in science
Feynman, says Massimo Pigliucci, is wrong about beauty and truth in science
New Scientist on the glitch at the edge of the universe
The constant 1/137 may be variable after all. This immutable number determines how stars burn, how chemistry happens and even whether atoms exist at all. Physicist Richard Feynman, who knew a thing or two about it, called it “one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding”. Now its mystery is deepening. Controversial hints suggest this number might not be the universal constant we had assumed, instead varying subtly over time and space. Michael Brooks, “There’s a glitch at the edge of the universe that could remake physics” at New Scientist 137 is a prime number and 1/137 is the fine-structure constant: The importance of the constant is that it measures Read More ›