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Commenter Apparently Believes that Only Part of Darwinian Evolution is “blind/mindless/unguided.” Maybe, if We Ask Nice, He Will Enlighten Us Poor Benighted ID Slobs About Which Part is “Seeing, Mindful and Guided.”

In the comment section to a prior post commenters “Joe” and “AVS” are having a tussle over whether Darwinian evolution is blind, mindless and unguided.  It is fascinating and instructive.  Let’s see. First, Joe asked: “How does one test anything wrt unguided evolution?” To which AVS responded:  “The fact that you call it “unguided evolution” tells me everything I need to know about you. One of those things is that trying to talk to you about science would be like trying to talk to a wall.” This is an interesting response, because some of the leading Darwinists in the world have noted that evolution is a blind unguided process.  One would have thought that the proposition that Darwinian evolution is Read More ›

The hidden benefits of the pursuit of ET. And the hidden costs.

Most of what is going wrong in cosmology and astrobiology right now is the multiple protection rackets around ideas that proponents cannot live without even IF they are false. They are too afraid of what they fear to be true. Read More ›

Darwin’s bluff

I dedicate this short post to our great UD President Barry Arrington, who is a poker player. Evolutionists usually claim that prerequisite for Darwinian evolution is a single self-replicating thing capable of heritable variations. From such thing evolution produced all life forms, from ameba to whales, by means of small random variations and natural selection. Just for fun, we could metaphorically see evolution as a particular “poker game”, with the following correlations: (1) The dealer deals shuffled cards to the players. This shuffling is analogous to the genotypic random variations. (2) The active players show their cards, and the owner of the best five-card hand wins. These players are analogous to the phenotypes, the organisms that fight for survival. (3) Read More ›

Evolution’s Influence on the Life Sciences and Inter Cellular Communication

While evolution is one of the most influential theories in history, in areas outside of science, it also has significant influence within science. One aspect of this influence has been to view life as simple. If all of biology just happened to arise by chance events then organisms and their designs must be pretty straightforward. This expectation has consistently been contradicted by the evidence. As Bruce Alberts explained, for example:  Read more

Refereed paper in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences uses “irreducible complexity” in same sense as ID theorist Behe?

Pitt physicist David Snoke notes, They are using “irreducible complexity” in the same sense as Behe. This is not a case of accidental use of the same phrase to mean something different. Read More ›

What Evolutionists Have Vigorously Denied For Decades Is Now “An Exploding Field”

A new study has added yet more evidence to the claim that organisms respond to environmental challenges with non DNA, epigenetic, changes that are heritable. That may sound like detailed scientific jargon that has little importance outside of the dry, technical journal papers, but nothing could be further from the truth. Evolutionary theory has traditionally viewed heritable changes as being strictly channeled through DNA. For it is the DNA that can be altered by those chance mutations. The idea is that these chance mutations sometimes just luckily happen to improve the organism, and so it is selected. Thus all change that ever occurs to a species is, ultimately, from a source that is random. Non random change that might be Read More ›