Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Why All the Hand Wringing?  Brian Williams is a Liar.

Brian Williams has been suspended by NBC for lying about being in a helicopter that was hit by RPG fire.  NBC says they are “rooting” for him and that he deserves a second chance, presumably after the suspension.  One wonders why NBC would even consider putting him back in the anchor chair.  Are they incapable of finding anywhere in the world a news reader capable of doing the job at least as well as a man who has sullied his reputation for veracity beyond any hope of repair? Be that as it may, there has been a lot of “analysis” over a very straightforward matter.  For his part Williams says “I would not have chosen to make this mistake.  I Read More ›

What is “Evidence”

This is a follow up to my Stupid Things Atheists Say post. Evolve is being obstinate in his idiocy. He does not seem to understand the rather simple distinction between “evidence” and “evaluation of evidence.” I will try to help him (whether a fool such as he can be helped remains to be seen; there are none so blind as those who refuse to see). I will try to spell it out in terms adopted to the meanest understanding: What is “evidence”? The dictionary defines the word as follows: “the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.” The rules of evidence that I use in court define relevant evidence as anything Read More ›

Global Warming Fraud Exposed

The Telegraph reports alarmists have been caught “adjusting” temperature readings to create warming that did not actually occur. UPDATE. This site shows the data much better. This leads to a greater question for our subjectivist friends: If the fraud did in fact occur, and the warmist who committed the fraud sincerely subjectively believed that committing scientific fraud is a good thing if it serves the greater good of environmentalism, was the scientific fraud then good?

Astonishingly Stupid Things Atheists Say

In the thread to another post, “Evolve” writes: There’s absolutely no evidence that any God exists . . . There you have it folks. All this wrangling back and forth for millennia solved in a flash by Evolve’s super-intellect. Oh Evolve, where have you been all of my life? You have decreed there is “absolutely no evidence” for the existence of God. How much easier my life would have been if I had known about your decree earlier; if I had known that one needn’t actually engage with evidence; if I had known one can simply decree that what is thought to be evidence by one’s opponents “absolutely” does not exist. Evolve has decreed there is “absolutely no evidence” for Read More ›

This Piece by Lawrence Krauss is a Damning Indictment

When Eric Metaxas wrote aChristmas Day piece in the Wall Street Journal about how science is lending support to modern-day arguments for design in the universe, he drew fire from all quarters. Apparently Metaxas arguments were full of fallacies. Of particular interest was a criticism by leading physicist, Lawrence Krauss. Surely a top scientist would leave no doubt about Metaxas’ flubs.  Read more