Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

At Nature: The “bizarre logic” of the multiverse is explored in a review

Crease writes as if he would very much like to buy into Carroll's ideas but still thinks that sanity has something to offer. Possibly, many establishment science figures teeter on that brink. Read More ›

The Manhattan Contrarian on David Gelernter abandoning Darwinism

What would an urban sophisticate make of doubts about Darwinism? Once the enforcement trolls have been banished below stairs, hasn’t Darwinism become something people patter at cocktail parties, so that others know that they are bicoastal and just deplore! their privilege? Instead of being genuine deplorables who might doubt? Read More ›

Intelligent design? Ray Kurzweil’s AI-driven Singularity would make the whole universe intelligent

If computers got that smart. Kurzweil’s critics believe that the superintelligent computers he needs can’t exist. If the critics are correct, we have misread the AI revolution. Read More ›

Late stage materialism?: Panpsychism (your coffee mug is conscious) sounds crazy but…

If you believe that nature is all there is and you can’t otherwise explain the mind, the mind must be part of nature and therefore electrons are conscious. Unless you want to say that the mind is an illusion. Read More ›

Once More from the Top on “Mechanism”

We often get some variation of “Until ID proposes a ‘mechanism’ for how the design is accomplished, it cannot be taken seriously as an explanation for origins.” Here is an example from frequent commenter Bob O’H (who, after years of participation on this site should know better): If ID is correct, then the design has to have happened somehow, so a “how” theory has to exist. OK, Bob, once more from the top: Suppose someone printed your post on a piece of paper and handed it to an investigator.  We’ll call him Johnny.  The object of the investigation is to determine whether the text on the paper was produced by an intelligent agent or a random letter generator.  Johnny, using Read More ›