Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Thinkmag tributes to the late Phillip Johnson

Stonestreet and Morris: Johnson’s articulation that naturalism had not only poisoned science but also law and ethics shaped Chuck Colson’s thinking, and consequently, shaped BreakPoint. Read More ›

In case you wondered why dark energy is “the biggest unsolved problem in the universe”

Ethan Siegel: Why does empty space have the properties that it does? Why is the zero-point energy of the fabric of the Universe a positive, non-zero value? And why does dark energy have the behavior we observe it to have, rather than any other? Read More ›

An article at MSN news suggests that Darwin might have been wrong (!)

It’s just a conventional story in favor of hydrothermal vents for the origin of life. Some of us can remember back to when most such stories would begin by announcing that they had proven Darwin right. Funny how the rhetoric is changing. Read More ›

Rob Sheldon on whether Quanta mag’s universe is closed or flat

The result [of overspecialization], as everyone here knows, is that all biologists know that Evolution doesn't work in their specialty, but they believe it works generally for the other specialties. Every astronomer knows about the problems of Lambda-CDM model in their specialty but believes it works in the other specialties. Read More ›

Remembering the impact of Phillip Johnson’s Darwin on Trial (1991)

"Biochemist Michael Behe explains how a biased critique of Darwin on Trial in the journal Science led Behe to join the ID movement." - Casey Luskin And, as a tenured professor, Behe went on to be a thorn in the Darwinians' side insofar as their strategy had, for so long, been to prevent critics from acquiring accepted credentials. Read More ›

Well, if the Washington Post agrees that the universe is out of whack…

Johns Hopkins astronomer Adam Riess cautions us against trying to understand what is going on: “We are wired to use our intuition to understand things around us,” Riess said. “Most of the universe is made out of stuff that’s completely different than us." Read More ›

Human evolution researchers stick Botswana origin claims with “colonialism” label

The recent claim, you will recall from our earlier story, is that modern humans came to exist in northern Botswana roughly 200,000 years ago. But, we are told, the claim relies on “unproven and outdated techniques while also excluding competing lines of evidence.” Worse—and this is the kiss of death—it exhibits “colonialism” Read More ›

Is a merger with machines nearer—or impossible?

As Robert J. Marks put it, Non-algorithmic things (things that cannot be calculated), “cannot be uploaded.” Human consciousness, little as we understand it, appears to be one of those non-algorithmic things. Read More ›