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Can’t sleep? The wild world of new media

From my Connecting blog Silicon Valley immortality: The resurrection of the head In general, legacy media explorations of culture today should be treated with considerable skepticism. Its mavens have a hard time imagining that traditional Christianity may thrive long after Terasem is a footnote in a learned dissertation on Silicon Valley culture. Would the media be safer if government regulated Photoshopping? If, for example, Jay Carney and Clare Shipman are comfortable with a Photoshopped library, impressive illusions are now socially accepted. Who then would be regulated? Noble words with insidious new meanings In practice, “accountability journalism” has often meant open instead of barely concealed partisanship. Increasingly, media refuse to cover both sides of an issue—say, climate change—or even to allow Read More ›

Genie … meet Bottle!

In short, many current science writers want to be taken seriously as investigators while behaving as cheerleaders. And if the public can’t process that thought, something is allegedly wrong with the public, not with the thought or their overall approach. Read More ›

World science journalists’ conference panelists in a snit over “science denial”

There is a simple solution to these science writers’ problem: Lose the pom poms and the loud hailer. Read what you are writing. The rest of us have. The only thing you are justified in being so certain of is your own certainty. And your certainty doesn’t seem to be contagious. Read More ›