extra dimensions
Closer to Truth: Are there really extra dimensions?
The ultimate fate of a black hole: Can a hologram within a hologram provide a hint?
Our universe understood at last: An expanding bubble in an extra dimension!
UChicago Researchers: Those extra dimensions ain’t out there
Not if you go by results from the gravitational waves collision. While last year’s discovery of gravitational waves from colliding neutron stars was earth-shaking, it won’t add extra dimensions to our understanding of the universe—not literal ones, at least. University of Chicago astronomers found no evidence for extra spatial dimensions to the universe based on the gravitational wave data. Their research, published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, is one of many papers in the wake of the extraordinary announcement last year that LIGO had detected a neutron star collision. It appears for now that the universe has the same familiar dimensions—three in space and one of time—even on scales of a hundred million light-years. But this is Read More ›