Michael Denton
At Evolution News: Michael Denton Explains the Miracle of Your Heart
At Evolution News: Man, with His Special Place in Nature, Was Designed to Use Fire
Evolution News: In His New Book, Denton Shows How Science Leads the Charge to Theism
Denton’s prior fitness argument: Everything seems to have come together to produce humans
Michael Denton’s new book: Nature is fine-tuned for human existence
Here’s an interview with Michael Denton on the history and future of ID
Why Michael Denton is an important but under-recognized figure in the ID community
Here’s an interesting assessment of non-Darwinian microbiologist Michael Denton’s work: in The Miracle of the Cell he concentrates on one example of fine-tuning after another… Biologists may have once held simplistic notions about the origin of life, back in the heady days following the iconic Miller-Urey experiment. They may have thought they were on the right track toward explaining life when the double helix was discovered in the 1950s. It might have seemed that the cell was simple enough to explain by a few accidents here and a handful of lucky chemical reactions there. Research since then has put that false hope to rest. Denton’s most famous work was his 1985 book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. It was both Read More ›