Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

How engineering destroys faith in Darwinism

Brian Miller: Biologists wedded to scientific materialism have argued that life is so different from human artifacts that they can dismiss engineers’ conclusions about organisms’ limited evolvability. The central fallacy in this argument is that nearly every difference between human creations and life makes the latter ever more challenging to design. And the challenges translate into more daunting obstacles for any evolutionary scenario. Read More ›

Talking to “science deniers”? How about a bit of self-reflection first?

Chivers, science editor at Unherd: "It’s mainly a book designed to tell readers that people they already think are dumb are, in fact, dumb. It is, really, How to Talk to A Contemptible Idiot Who Is Kind of Evil. " That won't be much use with serious problems science can help with. Read More ›

Eric Holloway: Why is randomness a good model, but not a good explanation?

After all, he argues, random processes are used all the time to model things in science: When we test a sequence of numbers for randomness, we are essentially testing how easy it is to predict the sequence of numbers. One of the simplest tests is to measure how frequently heads and tails occur during a series of coin flips. If the distribution is heavily skewed one way or the other after a large number of flips, then we can be pretty certain the coin is not fair. We cannot be absolutely certain, since there is always a small probability for a really long run of heads, but as the run lengthens, the probability of achieving the run with a fair Read More ›

Darwinian evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne speaks out on the war on math

Some of us remember when Darwinian commenters chided us for writing about the war on math and the war on science. Now that Jerry Coyne is starting to talk about it, will they start to listen? Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: A neuroscience theory that actually helps explain the brain

Epstein's theory is that that the brain is a type of transducer, that is, a device or an organ that converts one signal to another signal, commonly from one medium to another. A microphone, for example, is a transducer that converts sound waves to electrical current. Your eye is a transducer that converts light to vision. So the brain converts thoughts to material effects. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Is brain science helping us understand our belief in God?

"Ferguson is careful to emphasize that he is not trying to disprove the reality of religious experience:" Oh no. For sure, why would anyone think that? ;) Egnor: The best way to understand religious experience is to have one. Researchers who are looking for a way around that problem don’t produce useful research. Read More ›

Comb jellies, among the oldest life forms, lost rather than gained complexity

Throwing a horseshoe into the works of Darwinism, many life forms simply reduce their complexity in order to survive. Yes, natural selection works and is real but — because it depends on randomness — it doesn’t produce reliably complexity all by itself any more than winning a lottery ticket reliably produces wealth. Read More ›

Here’s a podcast with Neil Thomas on his new book, Taking Leave of Darwin

From podcast introduction: An erudite and settled Darwinist living comfortably in a thoroughly secular English academic culture, Thomas nevertheless came to reject Darwinian materialism and, as he insists, did so on purely rationalist grounds. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Non-materialist science is wanted — dead or alive

Michael Egnor: I’ve gotten calls to my department in my university demanding that I be fired. That’s a fairly frequent thing. I was called a couple of years ago by the campus police that there was a death threat against me and they wanted to protect me. So this kind of stuff goes on. And some of these people are vicious. Read More ›

Reptile’s skull changed little in 22 million years

At ScienceDaily: ""Basically, in anything except living fossils, you don't go 22 million years without evolving," said [Louis] Jacobs, professor emeritus of Earth Sciences at SMU and president of ISEM at SMU." (Well, first, if that’s true, maybe they were the “living fossils” of their day. Maybe it is not even that unusual. Any chance there is a pattern here that devotion to Darwinism prevents people from seeing?) Read More ›

Cane toads: At a certain point, “evolution” becomes an excuse for not thinking clearly

At Nature: “Study finds that the noxious pests have become so numerous, they’ve developed a taste for each other — as well as defences to ward off such attacks”: The discovery could help researchers to understand the evolutionary underpinnings of how this uncommon and extreme behaviour emerges. Scientists have seen cannibalism evolve in species before, says Volker Rudolf, a community ecologist at Rice University in Texas, who studies the phenomenon. But what’s exciting about this work, he says, is that the researchers are almost seeing it “develop in front of their eyes”, given that the behaviour arose in less than a hundred years — the blink of an eye by evolutionary standards… Although adult cane toads are fearsome — they Read More ›

Privileged Address: An excerpt from Neil Thomas’s Taking Leave of Darwin

Neil Thomas: Through the lens of a celestial telescope, it is true, one can see little but the unfeeling immensity of that unremittingly hostile universe invoked by [Bertrand] Russell, but if we look around us here on Earth we can see a planet which seems entirely discontinuous with the rest of the observable cosmos and abounding in a host of benign phenomena so numerous that they tend to go largely unnoticed. Read More ›