Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

A Tour of Directed Mutations

Many people think that directed mutations don’t exist. This video explores both the theory behind directed mutations (what is meant by “directed”, how is selection involved, etc.) as well as the mechanics and specifics of many different types of directed mutations. It’s a lot to take in but well worth your time.

Eric Cassell on the mystery of Monarch butterfly migration

There exists no evolutionary model that satisfactorily explains its origin. That by itself does not prove that gradual evolution didn’t produce such programming, but the lack of such a model should at least give the open-minded pause for reflection. Read More ›

Laszlo Bencze offers a thought experiment on whether a random mistake can create information

Bencze: Even in this rare case of a random mistake seemingly creating information (Elizabeth Bishop’s poem, The Man-Moth), the ability of an intelligent agent to notice and respond was critically important. Read More ›

The American Christians did not “wage war on” Darwin either — not at first

Incidentally, he notes a coalescence among some Christian thinkers today between Darwin and the much-ridiculed William Paley (19th century design proponent). Yes? That whirring sound you hear is Darwin spinning in his grave, reaching unthinkable speeds… Read More ›

Christianity vs. Darwinism: The war that never took place?

Seth Hart has the story about the many Christian thinkers who embraced Darwinism early on. One guesses that by the time most Christian thinkers discovered what Darwinism really was (Social Darwinism undoubtedly helped them see… ), many were heavily compromised and it was too late to back out. Read More ›

Why did the evangelical Christian world go nuts for Christian Darwinism a decade ago?

Contra Trendy Christians: It makes sense that all humans would descend from a single couple. If you had to account for something like, say, human consciousness, isn’t it easier to address that if we all belong to the same family of origin? Would you prefer to explain the development of human consciousness assuming that we come from multiple different ones? Darn good thing if someone can prove its true genetically. Read More ›

Part 2 of New introduction to intelligent design: Recognizing Design Part 1

John and Sandy Palmer: Part 2 applies the core concepts of irreducible complexity and functional coherence to one of the most important functions in each cell - energy production. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Multiverse cosmology is not a good argument against God

God could have created countless universes on various principles for a variety of reasons. The key argument against the multiverse is that there is no evidence for it; it takes us outside the realm of observable science — a choice with consequences. Read More ›

Dinesh D’Souza on socialism:

Let us watch: Food for thought. END PS: As it seems necessary here is the historically anchored political spectrum with Overton Window: And, here is what we need to know on culture/colour revolution pushes

Why actual science is not a world of simple solutions

Jonny Thomson: We each approach the world armed with our own “maps” and expectations. As a result, it is highly unlikely that any scientific field will easily, if ever, coalesce around one simple answer to any complex question. Read More ›

Protein tidies cells like sorting a kitchen drawer…

At ScienceDaily: "Each compartment created by a lamin acts like a kitchen utensil drawer, keeping knives, forks and spoons easy to access, and more rarely used items like serving pieces out of the way until needed," Reddy says. (And the high information level needed for all that came into existence randomly, of course, just like kitchen drawers and utensils… Which makes sense if you buy the Darwinian approach to consciousness, which treats it as an illusion (whose?) So tidiers and tidying are random too… The people who built up Darwinism decades ago probably didn’t expect to find this stuff. ) Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: What if ET has morphed into what we now call the laws of nature?

Takehome: Scharf’s hypothesis highlights the genuine difficulty of accounting for a universe that comes into existence without any underlying intelligence at all. His thought experiment amounts to an intelligent design hypothesis for the universe in which the creators and the laws of nature turn out to be the same thing. It is much bolder than the usual arguments around fine-tuning of our universe. It highlights the genuine difficulty of accounting for a universe that comes into existence without any underlying intelligence at all. Read More ›

A reader reflects on Science Uprising #9: Spot on but the problem is an old one

Species don’t change substantially, and we know why, genetically. If they departed indefinitely from type, we could breed a dog into a cat. As Phil J queried, if we can't do this using skill and persistence, what makes us think that blind natural processes can do it? Read More ›