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Big Bang

Rob Sheldon on the recent reduction in the age of the universe

Sheldon: I have long advocated a rewrite of the Big Bang model that converts the cosmic microwave numbers into a Hubble constant. But strangely, like Darwin's model in biology, we see few cosmologists willing to kill the sacred cow. They would rather change the laws of physics ("new physics") than change their model. Read More ›

What is it about the Big Bang these days that is making people nervous?

Sheldon: More and more independent measurements of the Hubble constant (H0), reveal that it is very close to 73.9 km/s/Mpc, which is 6 or so sigma (deviations) from the Planck determination of 67.4 km/s/Mpc using the cosmic ray background radiation (CMBR) and the standard Big Bang (BB) Model. Read More ›

Missing matter of the universe FOUND? Rob Sheldon says, hold on a minute…

Sheldon:Well, like most astronomy press releases in the past decade, it is 3/4 hype, and 1/4 data, and it has nothing to do with dark matter. Since many people never read beyond the headline, the title is written to be as provocative as possible without outright lying. Read More ›

L& FP41: Dawkins, Krauss and trying to pull a world out of “no-thing”

As Cardinal Pell has been recently cleared, perhaps some may be willing to learn from this telling vid: No, Virginia, you do not get a world from no-thing. END

Tossing overboard the assumptions about our universe? Rob Sheldon responds

Sheldon: Since no one discusses the result as a potentially embarrassing over-correction, naturally the whole local-motion discussion is given short shrift. Just another example of the hubris that lies at the foundation of scientism and seems to especially infect cosmology. Read More ›

What happened before the Big Bang is not really a science question

And, according to a Fermilab spokesman, if we did find out, the actual story “won’t sound like popular science literature.” Which raises the question of why such concepts, usually sponsored by atheist cosmologists, dominate so many people’s thinking. Whatever the answer is, it isn’t “science!” Read More ›

Forbes’ physics columnist Ethan Siegel can’t wait to get beyond the Big Bang

But doesn’t seem to have a ticket. So a mechanism that caused the Universe to come into existence with these properties already in place? But then what caused that mechanism? If a mechanism caused that mechanism, what in turn caused the previous mechanism? Siegel obviously wants to get past the idea of an actual beginning but orthodox science does not seem to allow that. Some religious propositions might suffice, of course, but he does not want to go there. Advice from readers? Read More ›

Do mysterious particles flying out of Antarctica threaten the Standard Model of physics?

At Space.com: But ultra high-energy neutrinos shouldn't be able to pass through the Earth. That suggests that some other kind of particle — one that's never been seen before... Read More ›

Rob Sheldon on a claim that the Big Bang did not happen

We need to go back to Philip Johnson's insight 30 years ago. At that time the creationists were all attacking each other over local/global flood, the meaning of "yom", the historicity of Adam, etc, whereas the Darwinists had a united front--Darwin was a genius. What Johnson discovered, was that the Darwinists had a huge internal battle over nearly every assumption of their model, but politically were unified in their opposition to Creation. By putting his finger on their critical assumption of Methodological Naturalism, which was contrary to nature and to nature's laws, Johnson was able to unite the creationists behind this cause and turn the tables. Read More ›