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From IAI News: How infinity threatens cosmology

Peter Cameron writes: "Infinity is back. Or rather, it never (ever, ever…) went away. While mathematicians have a good sense of the infinite as a concept, cosmologists and physicists are finding it much more difficult to make sense of the infinite in nature." Read More ›

At Reasons.org: Did the initial findings of the JWST repudiate the big bang creation model?

Hugh Ross: "To most people using their naked eyes, the heavens don’t seem to be declaring anything at all. But through space telescopes, they are proclaiming the wonders and beauty of God and his creation to a degree never before seen." Read More ›

At Evolution News: How Do We Know the Age of the Universe?

Physicist Rob Sheldon writes: A correspondent asked me recently how we know the age of the universe. The answer is calculated from the inverse of the Hubble constant. That is, if the galaxies are moving away from us at 72 km/s /Mpc, that has units of 1/time, the inverse is the age of the universe (more or less) because it locates the time since everything was at a point. For the universe to be younger, the Hubble constant has to be bigger. In fact, when Hubble first proposed his constant, it gave an age of the universe of about 4 billion years, which is the age of the oldest rocks in the Earth. However every decade saw a decrease in the Hubble Read More ›

Here’s the European Space Agency’s 3-D map of over a billion stars

ZME Science: The catalog features multiple types of data, which means it can be used by astronomers working in different fields to understand the evolution of stars in our galaxy (and stars in general). Read More ›