At Panda’s Thumb: Worry that the U.S. Supreme Court will rule for creationism
The really strange story about creationism and racism took a new turn recently
Is Stephen Jay Gould now considered a… creationist?
Swamidass, Rana, and Ross debate origins
Jerry Coyne on the war on math, science, in New Zealand – and falling scores
Maori creationism is okay in New Zealand schools; objectors could be booted from NZ’s Royal Society
More on Dr Kojonen’s Darwinist evolution is an expression of deeper design thesis,
as, it is worthy of further consideration (which is not the same as an endorsement). I headline a comment: [[Kojonen develops his case further: I will . . . argue in this book that the teleological order of biological organisms can still, in a rationally permissible way, be understood as a sign of the divine reality, even in an evolutionary cosmos. [ –> a if not necessarily the main thesis] . . . . According to [American Botanist, Asa] Gray (1860), evolution actually “leaves the question of design just where it was before,” because the biological design argument does not in any way depend on whether God created living organisms directly, through miracles, or through a secondary cause such as Read More ›
Doubts about William Lane Craig’s creation account — at First Things
Weaponizing the term “creationism” in debates on racism
Historian Richard Weikart on acceptance of Darwinian evolution and racism …
At PJ Media: A response to religious claims made in Scientific American’s “denial of evolution is white supremacy” piece
Darwinian biologist Jerry Coyne speaks out on a SciAm op-ed’s claims that denial of evolution stems from white supremacy
Ten (or so) Anti-Intelligent Design Books You Should Read
I have posted the second video in my two part book recommendation series on the YouTube channel. In the previous video I highlighted many books that argue for intelligent design. My view is that proponents of design should face the strongest criticisms possible, and not be afraid of doing so. In line with this philosophy, in this video I talk about just a handful of the many books that attempt to refute ID. Again, I would be interested to know what others think are the best books that attempt to show ID is wrong. Ten (or so) Anti-Intelligent Design Books You Should Read