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Richard Weikart

Royal Society lecturer says what Richard Weikart has been saying for years?

Weikart has written a number of books in his long academic career on the links between Darwinism and malign social trends like elitism and racism. Read More ›

Richard Weikart on the non-religious racism that anti-racists ignore

Weikart: While researching my book, Darwinian Racism, I examined the websites and publications of many neo-Nazi, white nationalist, and alt-right individuals and organizations. What I discovered was that most white nationalists and white supremacists today embrace a social Darwinist version of scientific racism and vehemently oppose Christianity. Read More ›

The curious connection between Charles Darwin and John Brown

Aeschliman: "After the Civil War and the death of Lincoln, 'those that stepped into the pathway marked by men like John Brown faltered and large numbers turned back,' Du Bois wrote. 'They said: He was a good man — even great, but he has no message for us today — he was a "belated [Protestant] Covenanter," an anachronism in the age of Darwin, one who gave his life to lift not only the unlifted but the unliftable.'" Read More ›

Richard Weikart: Scientific racism is more virulent than religious racism

Those doing battle against the religious roots of racism do often uncover vestiges of racism and this can be helpful. However, sometimes they seem to be letting the most flagrant proponents of racism off the hook. Could it be that they are uncomfortable recognizing that most white nationalists today are thoroughly secular and are inspired by Darwinism and science, rather than religion? Read More ›

Excerpt from Richard Weikart’s new book, Darwinian Racism

Weikart: "An 18-year-old white nationalist, Eric Harris, donned a shirt emblazoned with “Natural Selection” before heading off to high school. For weeks he had been preparing a special event in honor of the Führer. Together with a co-conspirator, Dylan Klebold, he planted a bomb in the Columbine High School cafeteria." Read More ›

Historian Richard Weikart helps talk show maven Whoopi Goldberg understand why the Holocaust WAS about race

Weikart is not trying to Cancel Goldberg; rather, he thinks there are some things she (and perhaps most people) don’t clearly understand about the Holocaust. First, to the Nazis — whatever anyone else may think — it WAS about race. Weikart goes onto explain in considerable detail that the on-the-ground interpretation of Darwinism underlay this development. Read More ›

Historian Richard Weikart on acceptance of Darwinian evolution and racism …

Richard Weikart: I have done a good deal of research on this topic, and as it turns out, the vast majority of white supremacists today embrace Darwinian evolution and use it as evidence for their white supremacy. Read More ›

Evolution Weekend downplays Darwin, morphs into climate concern, muffles racism issue

Remember, anyone can be a racist if all he must say is: My ancestors were gods, yours were gobs of clay. Absent evidence, he might prevail by force of arms and entrench his view. Darwinism led to racial theories with the trappings of science. That matters and it has never been dealt with honestly because dealing with it honestly endangers the basic ideas of Darwinism. Read More ›