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Jerry Coyne fires back at Egnor and Luskin

Having stated that he wouldn’t engage in a dialogue (which he would presumably be doing if he responded), Coyne conceded shortly afterward that “I may be forced by the laws of physics in making a few remarks.” And he makes more than a few. But he presses on: “one more before I grow ill.” Physics is a harsh master. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Mike Egnor to Jerry Coyne: If evil exists, so must good — and real choices!

Egnor to Coyne: ... when you find that your metaphysics was shared by the defense counsel at the Nazi war crime trials, you ought to reconsider your metaphysics. And I think Coyne should reconsider. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Human brain has many more language connections than chimp brain

Among the many differences between the human brain and other animal brains is the role of the arcuate fasciculus that connects lobes of the brain. If we are really 99 percent chimpanzee, as some claim, it doesn’t appear to be showing up in the brain. Read More ›

Robert J. Marks on “machines with minds” vs. the real-life dweebs in his evolutionary programming:

A machine mind didn’t “just evolve” in this experiment; it was programmed in — even if its output was a surprise. The same is likely true of the human mind. Read More ›

Robert J. Marks: 4. How Almost All Numbers Can Encode the Library of Congress

Re math: Almost every number between zero and one, randomly chosen by coin flipping, will at some point contain the binary encoding of the Library of Congress. That’s why infinity is a concept in math but not in the real world. Note: You should ask, how do we come to have concepts that are not part of the real world? Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: The Software of the Gaps: An excerpt from Non-Computable You

Robert J. Marks reminds us of the tale of the boy who dug through a pile of manure because he was sure that … underneath all that poop, there MUST surely be a pony! Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: The human brain has neural networks not found in lab mice

In a just-published study that he led, the researchers examined human tissue removed by neurosurgeons during operations. Studying it, they discover neuron networks (connectomes) unknown in mouse brains... The interesting part is that this network exists mainly in order to silence other neurons... Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: The battle over the human mind split two great thinkers

Philosopher Neil Thomas points out how neuroscience today has undermined a purely materialist account of the mind — an unexpected role but that's what happened. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Computer prof: You are not computable and here’s why not

Dr. Robert J. Marks’s new book, Non-Computable You: What You Do That Artificial Intelligence Never Will (Discovery Institute Press, 2022), comes out just as Google has placed an engineer on leave for claiming an AI chatbot he tends is a real person… Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: The hive mind: Leafcutter ants behave like farmhands but…

Ants’ complex behavior patterns are part of following a colony algorithm rather than making individual decisions. They make immediate individual decisions but the hive mind of the colony makes the big ones. We humans struggle to understand the hive mind because our world is one of uniquely individual minds that can, with effort, be got to work together — for a while. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Researchers: Humans process information differently from monkeys

The researchers found that, from an information theory perspective, human brains engage in less redundant and more synergistic processing than macaques. So information theory supports human exceptionalism where Darwinism doesn’t? Read More ›