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Origin Of Life

At Live Science: ‘Unlucky’ creatures that enter rare Red Sea brine pools are immediately stunned to death

Researcher: "Deep-sea brine pools are a great analog for the early Earth and, despite being devoid of oxygen and hypersaline, are teeming with a rich community of so-called 'extremophile' microbes." Read More ›

At The Federalist: What design can explain about life’s origins that chance can’t

The scientific establishment is slowly beginning to allow scientists who believe in intelligent design to have a platform. Why? It may be because the theory that the universe was crafted intentionally explains many essential realities that theories based on spontaneous chance do not… Read More ›

Novel RNA and peptide species thought to have sparked evolution of complex life

Researcher: According to the new theory, a decisive element at the beginning was the presence of RNA molecules that could adorn themselves with amino acids and peptides and so join them into larger peptide structures. "RNA developed slowly into a constantly improving amino acid linking catalyst," says Carell. (He talks about the emergence of "information-coding properties" as if that would just happen.) Read More ›

Physicist David Snoke: Living systems must obey the same rules as Maxwell’s demons

Snoke: I argue that information and entropy are objective physical quantities, defined for systems as a whole, which allow general arguments in terms of physical law. In particular, I argue that living systems obey the same rules as Maxwell’s demons. Read More ›