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William Lane Craig’s non-historical Adam — and marriage and divorce

Jason Lisle at the Biblical Science Institute offers an eight part series on the topic; this is from the wrap-up, where he addresses Craig's suggestion that Jesus did not take Genesis literally re Adam and Eve. Read More ›

Owen Strachan offers some thoughts on Craig’s book on the historical Adam

Strachan: Every time the “figure of Adam” is “deployed” by NT authors, they are referring to the historical Adam. If you use this admittedly simple reading key, you will save yourself a great deal of confusion and the real possibility of one day investing in one of those “Faith Deconstruction Seminars” that former evangelical personalities now offer for the low, low price of $299. Read More ›

Is Sarah Salviander going to make a difference in science?

Of herself she says: Astrophysicist. I have a PhD in Astrophysics and worked for many years in academia as a scientific researcher. Though I am currently focused on ministry work, I am still active in astrophysical research. Visit my research page here. Read More ›

New introduction to intelligent design at YouTube

Palmer: Part 1 begins with the basic concepts of Darwinian Evolution. Darwin’s theory related to heredity, but the science behind genetics was a mystery in his day. Darwin’s assumptions about heredity have proven to be mistaken. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Compassion and religion: Darwin’s unscratchable itches

If one’s research is in a hole as deep as evolutionary psychology is when accounting for compassion, why not stop digging? Stop digging? The hole evolutionary psychologists are digging IS the enterprise. Any motive that didn’t merely spread selfish genes would be invisible to them. Read More ›

Mike Keas on the myth that a big universe is a problem for religion

Quoting C. S. Lewis: “If we discover other bodies, they must be habitable or uninhabitable: and the odd thing is that both these hypotheses are used as grounds for rejecting Christianity.” Read More ›

The religious dimensions of Darwinian evolution theory

What about this? Darwinism was the way an imperial British culture justified its rule over the “lesser breeds without the law?” That really was how they did see it all. And Darwinism was perfect for the purpose. Read More ›

Kirk Durston on evolution and faith

Durston: What if you found out that one of the most frequent reasons that people have abandoned their faith was itself looking very sketchy indeed? I’m talking about evolution and its consistent failure to verify its most important prediction — without which it is dead in the water, as it were. The Darwinian theory that the full diversity of life evolved from a single primitive cell. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Researchers: Buddhist monks’ bodies decay very slowly at death

According to traditional meditation lore, they are in a meditative state (thukdam) until their consciousness is clear; only then does the body begins to decay. Neuroscientist Richard J. Davidson. saw it for himself, then organized a study of the phenomenon. Read More ›

ENCODE foe Dan Graur isn’t sure if Jesus existed

Wow. Dr. Graur should get out more. Only crackpots argue that Jesus did not exist... There is less evidence for the existence of Socrates but no one gets all skeptical about him. Interesting responses. Read More ›