Kirk Durston
Kirk Durston on evolution and faith
Kirk Durston on science’s God of the Gaps
Kirk Durston on design in the universe
Kirk Durston takes on Larry Krauss on whether the universe could come from nothing
Kirk Durston now has a YouTube channel
If we need AlphaFold to figure out protein folding, how likely is protein folding to be a product of mere chance?
Kirk Durston: What do we do when Darwinism looks less like science all the time?
A biophysicist looks at the limits of what science can tell us
Kirk Durston: In defence of experimental science
Kirk Durston: Backing up the particle physicist who says there is “baked in” bias in science
Story re Sabine Hosenfelder’s comments here. In response, Kirk Durston from P2C kindly writes to say, If anyone is interested in a list of references with links, backing up the serious problem that science is facing right now, I wrote a blog post a while back that has a “Further Reading” section at the bottom of it. It currently stands at 47 links, counting Sabine Hossenfelder’s latest blog post. Here is an example, From Should we have faith in science? Part II: peer-reviewed science papers Austin Hughes, in a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, focusing on the origin of adaptive phenotypes laments, ‘Thousands of papers are published every year claiming evidence of adaptive evolution on the basis of computational Read More ›