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Alex Berezow

Science writer asks: Why are medical journals full of fashionable nonsense?

Alex Berezow: The point is that hopping aboard a political bandwagon is good for grabbing attention — and subsequently, funding. We are witnessing a similar phenomenon with respect to climate change. No matter how extraneous a topic, researchers try to tie it to climate change. Read More ›

Science writer mourns the slow suicide of science

Alex Berezow: "Political partisanship. There was a time when scientists knew better than to deal in politics. That time is now gone. Openly cheering for one side of the political spectrum over the other, scientists and science media outlets are gambling with their reputation." Well, from an international perspective, here’s the obvious problem: If the US Prez is THAT important, science ain’t what it used to be. Read More ›

At American Council on Science and Health: Postmodernism and the slow suicide of American science

Berezow: Until it received a public backlash, the Smithsonian published a web page claiming that an "emphasis on the scientific method" and a focus on "objective, rational linear thinking" are examples of "white culture." Read More ›

At ACSH: Understanding the loss of credibility of expert opinion, post-COVID-19

Berezow: A loss of credibility, therefore, happens for other reasons. In the case of coronavirus, we believe there are five reasons: Incompetence, waffling, moving the goalposts, disregarding unintended consequences, and being political. Read More ›

Science media have strange standards for assessing corruption…

Berezow goes on to add something very significant: “The scientific publishing industry is thoroughly corrupt, and AAAS and Science are now also a part of the problem. If and when all government-funded research is mandated to be released free of charge upon publication, journals like Science may go out of business. Good riddance.” Read More ›

Science decadence: A “Woke” medical journal’s war on having kids

When institutions get this crazy (and Berezow provides a number of further examples of Lancet gone crazy) , it’s usually because their reason for existence has been undermined. Is it Lancet that we don’t need any more or medical journals generally? We’ll be able to find out by seeing whether a number of other journals follow suit and ramp up the crazy. Read More ›

Another well-earned jab at “nutrition science”

Alex Berezow sticks another fork in nutrition science, courtesy John Ioannidis: Dr. Ioannidis has gone on to show that the best scientists don’t always get funded, why neuroscience is unreliable, why most clinical research is useless, and that most economics studies are exaggerated. In other words, the process by which we acquire new knowledge is fundamentally flawed and much of what we think we know is wrong. Dr. Ioannidis is not just a bull in a china shop; he’s a bazooka in a china shop. … Here at ACSH, we have been saying for a long time that nutrition research is shoddy and mostly wrong. The reason is inherent to the way research is conducted in the field: Too much Read More ›