Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Start the revolution without ID

Here the latest from Carl Woese. The abstract is short but telling: Biology’s Next Revolution Nigel Goldenfeld and Carl Woese [posted February 8, 2007] ABSTRACT: The interpretation of recent environmental genomics data exposes the far-reaching influence of horizontal gene transfer, and is changing our basic concepts of organism, species and evolution itself. SOURCE: arxiv.org/PS_cache/q-bio/pdf/0702/0702015.pdf. So here’s the deal: When trying to derail ID in the court of public opinion, say that there is NO controversy over evolution. Say that scientists have achieved a consensus and that evolution is as well established as the earth going around the sun. But when out of the public eye, feel free to publish on how the entire field of evolutionary biology is in disarray Read More ›

Now It’s Biochips as in Microchips

It appears scientists are now able to attach genes in particular spots on genechips using a new “daisy” molecule. This allows them to place genes onto the chip in a sequential–that is, ordered–fashion. The first purpose of this breakthrough is to produce certain proteins in an extra-cellular manner. But, as the quote below shows, they also have plans to put together a logical chain of these chips for “information processing”. Is that right? Do cells carry on “information processing”, just like this computer I’m working at? So, using an analogy to Sir Fred Hoyle’s quip about evolution, I suppose if a tornado passed through the components section of a Fry’s Electronics store, out would pop a computer. You have to Read More ›

Global Warming – Exposing the Lies

I did a little googling looking for the raw data from satellite temperature measurements and came upon this wonderful, objective web page at NASA with charts all updated in real time as new measurements arrive. I could start quoting all the frank admissions of broken atmospheric models, declining atmospheric temperatures that NASA documents but you never hear about in the mainstream media, and all sorts of fascinating stuff that just plain debunks the global warming bunkum. But I’d rather you all read for yourselves and have fun in the comments sifting through this treasure trove of objectivity about our global climate. Atmospheric Temperature Data At NASA

German blog on origins questions

“Evolution und Schöpfung” (go here) is the first German blog focused on origins-questions with multiple authors. It criticizes materialistic evolution and is sympathetic to ID. The blog was started by Cristoph Heilig. With the exception of Klaus Lange (who is in his 30s and motivated), the contributors are young (some in their teens) and motivated. [[Okay, I’ve edited the last sentence so that no one feels slighted about age or motivation!]]

From the American Scientist’s bookshelf: An education of sorts

From the American Scientist’s bookshelf: What more do you need to know about what Darwinism really means to its supporters?

A friend directs me to the American Scientist mag’s bookshelf, which features a number of recent books addressing the intelligent design controversy from a materialist perspective – the reviews are an education in themselves: Read More ›

Discovery Institute honoring Darwin via vidcast

Checkout the links to the vidcast of Darwin Day and the Deification of Charles Darwin Darwin Day is upon us at long last. Now for a full week humanists the world over will celebrate the birth of their saint, Charles Darwin. Celebrations come complete with Darwin carols celebrating atheism and sung to Christmas carol tunes; edible trees of life; Darwin look-a-like contests; and lots more revelry. Discovery Institute is honoring Darwin with a short vidcast of their popular ID The Future podcast titled “Darwin Day and the Deification of Charles Darwin.” It features CSC senior fellows Dr. John West and Dr. Jonathan Wells discussing the historical importance of Darwinism and its impact on modern science and society. Click here to Read More ›

How a young-earth creationist can get a PhD from a secular university

Until today, I’ve been keeping quiet about this developing story about Marcus Ross, a creationist PhD graduate from Rhode Island University. I wanted to protect him from media scrutiny until the news story finally broke.

Marcus Ross

Now that the NY Times has reported it, I may as well publicly extend my congratulations to Marcus Ross. He serves as a role model for how ID proponents and even young earth creationists can matriculate through Darwinist controlled institutions.
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Darwin Day: Get it while it’s hot

My inbox is full of stuff about Darwin Day, apparently tomorrow. Looking at the photos fronting the Darwin Day site, I get the feeling that the old boy contracted a spiritual disease of some kind early in life that ate at his vitals. But hey, don’t believe me. Look carefully at the portraits/photos and judge the matter for yourself. Read More ›

[Off Topic] Cosmic Rays Blamed for Global Warming

Cosmic rays blamed for global warming

The amount of warming predicted by theoretical modeling of CO2 in the atmosphere is several times more than what has actually been measured. This is indicative of deep flaws in the theory or the measurements. Here’s an alternative theory that accounts for the measured amount of warming instead the hysterical hand-waving theoretical predictions we are being deluged with by the sensationalist mainstream media, environmentalist whackos, and vested interests in the scientific community.

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The Sound of the Molecular Assumption Exploding

Pitt Professor Contends Biological Underpinnings Of Darwinian Evolution Not Valid

“The history of organic life is undemonstrable; we cannot prove a whole lot in evolutionary biology, and our findings will always be hypothesis. There is one true evolutionary history of life, and whether we will actually ever know it is not likely. Most importantly, we have to think about questioning underlying assumptions, whether we are dealing with molecules or anything else,” says Schwartz.

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Let there be Order

The concept of self-organization in biology has long been applied in behavioural studies of animals such as fish, ants and fireflies. Now, cell and developmental biologists are using similar concepts to explore how patterns are generated in cells and tissues. It is always tempting to seek common mechanistic foundations for different biological phenomena. This approach should be used carefully because biological mechanisms are remarkably diverse, but increasing evidence suggests that the principle of self-organization is broadly applicable. Unlike human-made machines, biological machines must be sufficiently dynamic and flexible to respond to their external and internal environments, and they must rely on themselves to generate order. The challenge for researchers is to look beyond our usual engineering principles and to appreciate Read More ›

The Sound of the Genetic Code Exploding

Scientists Discover Parallel Codes In Genes

“These parallel codes were probably exploited during evolution to allow genes to support a wide range of signals to regulate and modify biological processes in cells.” says Shalev Itzkovitz at The Weizmann Institute of Science.

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