Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

From the “They’re Out There” files: New Scientist cautious on that strange radio signal

These are curious times in science, as fact and reason appear less attractive every day to just the people one would expect to value them and people who might have been able to get away with tabloid news show more sense instead. Read More ›

Authors of article on female vs male mentorship have now retracted their own paper

The bottom line is that—in a move worthy of an existentialist writer like Kafka—Cancel Culture has succeeded in making actual issues around mentorship dangerous to discuss. The big loser is equity, of course, because if one can’t discuss actual issues (like guys are higher in the hierarchy at present), then one can’t propose useful approaches. But there is always, of course, a bureaucrat out there (many, actually), quite ready to conduct a seminar, etc., which will change nothing because no one can afford to be honest. Read More ›

Muscle fibers resemble entire tissues with many nuclei

Researcher: "Due to the heterogeneity of its nuclei, a single muscle cell can act almost like a tissue, which consists of a variety of very different cell types," explains Dr. Minchul Kim, a postdoctoral researcher in Birchmeier's team and one of the two lead authors of the study. "This enables the cell to fulfill its numerous tasks, like communicating with neurons or producing certain muscle proteins." Read More ›

Cells activate individual quality control responses

Researcher: "Integrated stress response is like a city going through full lockdown," Yan said. "If you only have 10 cases, you don't want to come out and tell the city, 'Let's just hunker down and not do anything,' or shut down all the productivity. You want the city to have a system to evaluate the severity of the stress -- and to deal with it according to its severity. Read More ›

Our Danish correspondent, Karsten Pultz, brings us up to date on Jørn Dyerberg and the growth of ID thinking in Scandinavia

My excitement made me overcome my telephone-phobia and I called Dyerberg to have him elaborate on this statement. He told me that the probabilistic issues alone obviously render Neo-Darwinian evolution unscientific and pointed specifically to the Neo-Darwinian origin of life scenario being totally improbable and therefore not scientifically viable. Read More ›