Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Avi Loeb suggests that the design of life might have been a black hole. Michael Egnor responds

Michael Egnor: Both an intelligent designer (assuming we’re talking about God) and a black hole are supernatural, in the sense that they are not objects in the natural world. This may not surprise you about God, but it is also true of black holes. Read More ›

Things that might surprise you about great scientists

How about juggling, riding a unicycle, and playing bongo? Or catching criminals or cracking safes? ... Many people would be very surprised by the things that matter most to many famous scientists. Hint: Many are not atheists. Read More ›

Should we recognise that “laws of nature” extend to laws of our human nature? (Which, would then frame civil law.)

Laws of Nature are a key part of the foundation of modern science. This reflects not only natural, law-like regularities such as the Law of Gravitation that promotes the Earth to the heavens (from being the sump of the cosmos) but also the perspective of many founders that they were thinking God’s creative, ordering providential and world-sustaining thoughts after him. The focal topic asks us whether our civil law is effectively an accident of power balances, or else, could it be accountable to a built in law that pivots on first duties coeval with our humanity. The issue becomes pivotal, once we ponder the premise that the typical, “natural” tendency of government is to open or veiled lawless oligarchy: So, Read More ›

Here are some reviews of Avi Loeb’s book about space debris Oumuamua as a space alien signal

Some of us still think Loeb is way off the beam about Oumuamua but at least he is talking about how you would know that something is designed. If anyone is interested, it is called the design inference. Read More ›