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From The New Atlantis: The Fine-Tuning Of Nature’s Laws – What Physics Tells Us About The Improbability Of Life

"Our universe’s ability to create and sustain life is rare indeed; a highly explainable but as yet unexplained fact. It could point the way to deeper physics, or beyond this universe, or even to principles beyond the ultimate laws of nature." Read More ›

Trust the Science! files: U Washington kept quiet — knowingly — on flawed transgender study

Open season on Jesse Singal for noticing? Or … alternatively … how about this, Little Rays of Sunshine — University of Washington Chapter: Hereafter, we will reasonably assume that anything you say on the topic stands a good chance of being — in whole or in part — a falsehood. And what should we do with a fish when only some of it stinks? Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Panpsychism: If computers can have minds, why can’t the Sun?

If the Hard AI people are right, animism — the belief that inanimate objects (whether the Sun or a computer) can have minds — has been unjustly dismissed. Read More ›

The Intelligent Design Audiopaper Project

I was thinking recently, about how many audiobooks are consumed by people these days. I would guess that the main reason behind this consumption is convenience. Many people just don’t have the time, or don’t create the time, to really sit down and get their head in a book. But I understand that for many, it can also be due to personal preference, financial considerations, lack of space, being visually impaired, or learning difficulties. If non of these issues are barriers, I would always encourage reading (and ideally taking notes), rather than simply listening. On balance, the evidence does suggest that good reading is a much more efficient way of retaining information than listening, on its own. In general, listening Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Can we eliminate the idea of function from the study of life?

The term “function” in life forms is linked historically with the idea that life forms show evidence of design. Therefore, philosopher Emmanuel Ratti and molecular biologist Pierre-Luc Germain argue, biologists shouldn’t use it ... The problem with their position is not that it is opposed to intelligent design theory but that it is in conflict with the self-evident nature of life forms. Read More ›

The Woke without their makeup …

After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Roe (abortion on demand everywhere) unconstitutional, the elite Woke have been rampaging generally - but against one judge in particular. Mr. Justice Clarence Thomas is black and, wouldn’t you know … Read More ›