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At Evolution News: C. S. Lewis and the argument for theism from reason

Jay Richards: Natural selection could conceivably select for survival-enhancing behavior. But it has no tool for selecting only the behaviors caused by true beliefs, and weeding out all the others. So if our reasoning faculties came about as most naturalists assume they have, then we have little reason to assume they are reliable in the sense of giving us true beliefs. And that applies to our belief that naturalism is true. Read More ›

Egnor vs. Dillahunty: 11. Is evil in the world simply the absence of good?

Egnor: "The Thomistic understanding of evil is that it’s an absence of good. It’s not a thing that exist independently in itself. It’s a deficit of goodness. God’s creation necessarily fall short of goodness because if he created something perfectly good, He would just be creating himself. " Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: If extraterrestrials didn’t fine tune Earth, maybe there is a God

In the face of a grab bag of ideas like creation by ETs or countless universes (some run by cats), why does the idea of a Creator seem far out? Read More ›

Michael Egnor: Atheist Claims about logical fallacies often just mean: Shut Up!

In Egnor’s view, what atheists fear most is having to explain themselves, and the invocation of fictitious “fallacies” is one of their favorite ways to evade scrutiny. Read More ›

Debate: Michael Egnor vs. Matt Dillahunty — now the 2nd oldest question: If God exists, why evil?

In the debate between Christian neurosurgeon Michael Egnor and atheist broadcaster Matt Dillahunty, the question of raping a baby was bound to arise - with telling results. Read More ›

Michael Egnor: Science can and does point to God’s existence

Egnor: Note that science studies natural effects and does not and cannot specify whether the causes must be natural or supernatural. To constrain science to the search for natural causes is to introduce inherent error into scientific investigation — the error is that if supernatural causes exist, then science would be blind to them and therefore would not be good science. If we are to understand natural effects, we must be open to all kinds of causes, including causes that transcend nature. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: 5. Egnor, Dillahunty dispute the basic causes behind the universe

Michael Egnor: All right, then what is a singularity? If you’re saying it’s natural, what is it?

Matt Dillahunty: So first of all, you’re not talking to a cosmologist, but the-

Michael Egnor: Then why do you say it’s natural? …

[Things became quite heated at this point.]

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At Mind Matters News: 4: Egnor now tries to find out what Dillahunty actually knows…

Michael Egnor: What I want to establish before that is that your arguments are not based on any actual knowledge. You don’t know the arguments for God’s existence. So your claim that they’re not true… Read More ›

William Lane Craig vs. Lewis Wolpert: Is God a delusion?

Lewis Wolpert (1929–2021) was “one of the giants of twentieth-century developmental biology. His name is most often associated with the “French flag model” and with his pronouncement that “It is not birth, marriage, or death but gastrulation which is truly the most important time in your life,” but he has made contributions to solving many key problems.” Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Atheist spokesman Matt Dillahunty refuses to debate Michael Egnor again

Egnor: I was amazed (but not really surprised) that Dillahunty would devote his life and his career to debunk arguments that he didn’t understand, and that he knew he didn’t understand. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News 2. A neurosurgeon’s ten proofs for the existence of God

In a lively debate at Theology Unleashed, Christian surgeon Michael Egnor and atheist broadcaster Matt Dillahunty clash over “Does God exist?” Egnor starts off is opening arguments. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Debate: Former atheist neurosurgeon vs. former Christian activist

In a lively debate at Theology Unleashed, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor and broadcaster Matt Dillahunty clash over the existence of God. Each gets a chance to state his case and interrogate the other. Read More ›