Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Karsten Pultz: Review of Denton’s “The Miracle Of The Cell”

Pultz: Denton reveals the extreme specificity of the elements, how the properties—the configuration of electrons—of every single element is clearly tuned to fit the properties of the other elements such that no substitutions seem possible. The chemical characteristics of each element play together in a symphony of awesome fine tuning. Read More ›

Asked at Sapiens: Did Processed Foods Make Us Human?

Well, at least the guy isn’t arguing that processed foods make us inhuman or that turkey dinners kill people. Instead, he tried living off the land in a really big way: (including climbing a tree to eat raw eland marrow). Such experiences led him to come up with an interesting theory of human origins. Read More ›

Ancient fish were “prepared” for life on land

Now how would the sarcoptergians have come to be “already primed for living on land”? Did they know they were going to move to land? Or is there an underlying pattern? Can we call this "preparatory evolution?" Read More ›

“Identical evolution” of isolated groups of early vertebrates confirmed

The authors claim that their find proves the “theory of evolution.” It’s certainly strong evidence for a theory of evolution - but that theory would not be Darwin’s. It would be great to get some insight into how these built-in capacities for identical adaptation are carried from one generation to the next. Read More ›

Moths evade bats using acoustic camouflage on their wings

As before, those who want to attribute these staggeringly complex arms races to natural selection acting on random mutations (Darwinism) are facing a huge probability gap. The processes of nature can’t be both wholly blind and highly intelligent, given time limits. Read More ›

An animal has been discovered that does not need oxygen to live

Devolution, of which this is an example, may be more common than we suppose and will probably have precisely the effect of creating “exceptions” like this. Note that we are told, “they likely steal energy from their host using some type of proteins.” It makes sense that many devolved creatures are parasites. They can afford to throw away equipment if they are using the host’s toolbox anyway. Read More ›

The CORRECT way to understand the mysterious Utah monolith

Why rush to conclude intelligent design?, asks philosopher and photographer Laszlo Bencze. He writes us to recommend a proper Darwinian view of the problem, a sort of desert version of Darwin’s “warm little pond” origin of life. Read More ›

Darwin’s notebooks apparently stolen – But wait!

A proper Darwinian response would say that the books evolved away from the Library “daily and hourly” during those twenty years. Seriously, we sure hope they get them back. Read More ›