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A review of Nicholas Spencer’s Magisteria: The Entangled Histories of Science and Religion

Wootton on Spencer: "... he doesn’t seem to grasp that the pared down, purely ‘spiritual’ religion he defends has virtually nothing in common with that of Augustine, Calvin, Loyola and Newman." Read More ›

Abraham Lincoln’s odd connection with Darwin

At this point, Darwinism) is simply a religion, one of the strands of “the Science” now promoted by publications like Scientific American and Nature that used to retail science, as such, for popular understanding. Read More ›

At Socrates in the City: Eric Metaxas and Stephen Meyer Tackle Science and God

Meyer is author of "The Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries that Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe." Eric Metaxas is a radio talk show host and author of Is Atheism Dead? Read More ›

At Skeptic: Why Christians Should Accept the Theory of Evolution

Larry Arnhart writes: American Christian fundamentalists reject Darwinian evolution for at least two reasons. The first is their belief that the Bible has revealed a clear teaching about the divine creation of the world that denies Darwinian evolution. The second reason is their belief that Darwinian evolution contradicts the foundational principle of the American creed that human beings have been created equal and endowed with rights by their Creator, as affirmed in the Declaration of Independence. In this article I will argue that both beliefs are mistaken, and that Christians should all accept the theory of evolution. American Christian fundamentalists reject Darwinian evolution for at least two reasons. The first is their belief that the Bible has revealed a clear Read More ›

Is Christianity Today twisting the Bible to fit Darwinian evolution?

Gilson: Christianity Today is supposed to be the voice of evangelical Christianity. Here, though, it has totally capitulated to a naturalized view of human origins. It’s giving in to a view that many evangelicals reject for good scientific reasons. Note: Gilson ends by recommending skeptic Neil Thomas’s Taking Leave of Darwin (2021) instead. Read More ›

Eye evolution as a series of miracles of the Darwinian religion

Surely the best approach is to see these convenient cascades of functional machinery as the miracle stories of Darwinism. They are not subject to criticism as to their probability, which is why no Darwinian need take such criticism seriously. Read More ›

Casey Luskin and Hank Hanegraff on Adam and Eve

From the podcast intro: Hank and Dr. Luskin discuss why so many Christians are so quick to abandon the belief of a historical Adam and Eve, theistic evolution, evolutionary creationism, the argument that human genetic diversity can’t be explained by an original Adam and Eve and more. Read More ›

Noted at Hillfaith: Atheists’ books show that God must exist

They couldn't have written them without intelligent design of the universe. The blog also notes the impact of Steve Meyer's book, Return of the God Hypothesis, which seems to be giving the Darwinian materialist atheists some serious competition. Read More ›

Francis Collins in the hot seat re COVID-19

Readers may know Collins from his role promoting theistic evolution and/or some ethical issues around accusations of the use of premature babies as guinea pigs. More recently, his recent and unexpected resignation from the directorship of National Institutes of Health has created expected questions around the Institute’s handling of COVID-19. ... If Collins was confronted about that e-mail for the first time — after a year and a half — most U.S. media have way too cozy a relationship with science bureaucrats. Read More ›

At Mind Matters News: Will religions crumble if we find extraterrestrial life?

At Insider: "Davison also wrote in the book, which is set to be released in 2022, that the nonreligious community tended to "overestimate the challenges that religious people" might face if evidence of extraterrestrial life were discovered. " Read More ›