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Human evolution

Maybe this is an argument for the rights of human embryos…

Researchers: The result revealed several key characteristics of the human embryonic development process. Firstly, mutation rates are higher in the first cell division, but then decrease to approximately one mutation per cell during later cell division. Secondly, early cells contributed unequally to the development of the embryo in all informative donors, for example, at the two-cell stage, one of the cells always left more progeny cells than the other. The ratio of this was different from person to person, implying that the process varies between individuals and is not fully deterministic. Read More ›

Coppedge: Arabian artifacts undermine current human evolution model

Yes, that human “species interbreeding” stuff nags at some of the rest of us too. But maybe a Darwinist needs to think that way. Anyway, Arabian sands may preserve many of our ancestors’ artifacts. We always say, keep digging. Read More ›

Researchers find Philippine group to have highest known Denisovan ancestry

Don’t you just love the way the writer refers to the Denisovans as a “species” that went “extinct” (like Tyrannosaurus?) As Darwinism dies out, its usages begin to sound more and more, well, quaint. Read More ›

Researchers now believe skull found in 1933 belongs to “our closest relative” “species”

But read on. There are problems with this interpretation. Sinclair: "For example, this study proposes that Homo sapiens were in Eurasia at about 400,000 years ago. But the oldest fossil for this species known outside Africa is little more than half this age." Read More ›

Your chances of living to be over 100

When pundits carry on about the alleged "population bomb," has it occurred to any of them that in many parts of the world, people simply live longer now than we used to? We didn't do anything except stay alive. So there are more of us around at any given time. Maybe one solution to the "crisis" is fewer pundits freaking out… Read More ›

From Bartlett Publishing, New Book: Apes as ancestors

Publisher: They describe the fossils, where they found them, what others have to say about them, and what can be realistically and reliably determined from the fossils. They focus on the evidence – what does it actually tell us? The results may surprise you. Read More ›

Haeckel’s biased, manipulative, dishonest drawings

It is strange that Haeckel has come up again, so let us first understand just how manipulative and dishonest he was in his books that popularised Evolutionism in Germany and elsewhere. As a start, here is his infamous drawing of heads of men and other primates: This was a time when photography was not ubiquitous, where trips to Zoos and Museums were relatively rare and so “heavy artillery” “facts” in drawings like this from respected scientists, scholars and publishers would have powerful impact. I just say, failed duty to truth, right reason, prudence [including warrant] and fairness. Likely, though, Haeckel did not see where this sort of racist propaganda would end, in the 1930’s and 40’s. It is in this Read More ›

Does humanity depend on a “key genetic switch” that makes human brains grow larger than ape brains?

Some researchers believe that our diet led to a larger brain but they differ as to which food was the ultimate brain booster. Are we missing something here? Read More ›