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Steve Meyer

Is Ethan Siegel’s Big Bang and Parallel Universes nonsense a response to Steve Meyer?

Now that Miller mentions it, several other anti-Big Bang tales have appeared recently. Perhaps the reason that all these stories seem extra-silly is that the authors are rattled. Read More ›

At Evolution News: Twilight of the Godless Universe

If so, fashionable atheists must all just want to kill Meyer for busting up a sweet faith-and-science racket. Whatever any establishment figure with a PhD in science wants to call science is science and obedient religion profs just bumble along, glad to be noticed. Actually, with all the stuff we have discovered that does not confirm just what everyone thinks, it's a pretty decrepit racket now. Read More ›

Jordan Peterson’s reflections on Twitter on reading Steve Meyer’s Return of the God Hypothesis

Jordan, if you believe Meyer is right or even partways right or is making a good case, stand your ground. You have already faced some of the most incomprehensibly vicious mobs that Cancel Culture has spewed and you are still standing. Follow the evidence, not the crybullies. You, of all people, can afford to and it would do immense good. Read More ›

Fish fins, Christian evolutionism, and the “things that just don’t change, come what may”

At Evolution News and Science Today, we learn that Darrel Falk is still around? Why do people care about Christian evolutionism when even the big Darwin guys like Kevin Laland are looking for non-Darwin answers? Read More ›

Professional skeptic Michael Shermer takes on Stephen C. Meyer and his Return of God Hypothesis

In an age when the Raging Woke parasitize the world of ideas, banning everyone from Frank Turek through Richard Dawkins from public life (when not out setting fires and assaulting the non-Woke), it is worth nothing that Shermer’s 2020 book Giving the Devil His Due, is a defense of intellectual freedom. Read More ›

BioLogos hosts Stephen Meyer to talk about his new book, Return of the God Hypothesis

Readers may recall Biologos as a theistic evolution confab, founded by, among others, genome mapper Francis Collins. Here’s both a podcast and transcript of an interview with Steve Meyer on The Return of the God Hypothesis. BioLogos Vice President Jim Stump is the host. There's even a guide to the episode. Read More ›

Free excerpt from Steve Meyer’s new book, Return of the God Hypothesis

Meyer: I was not surprised to hear outspoken atheists or scientific materialists explaining why they doubted the existence of God. What shocked me was the persuasive talks by other leading scientists who thought that recent discoveries in their own fields had decidedly theistic implications. Read More ›

Sabine Hossenfelder dismisses fine-tuning; Brian Miller and Steve Meyer respond

Fine-tuning of the universe is one of those concepts that can pass every possible evidence test and still be rejected because it is just not supposed to be true. No matter how foolish the arguments against it are, they will always appear preferable. If the situation results in confusion, well, confusion is clarity. Read More ›

Steve Meyer on James Tour’s podcast

"In this interview, Dr. James Tour and Dr. Stephen Meyer discuss science and faith, while getting into the details on the discovery of complex, sequence specific information required for life's function and origin, and the required fine-tuned laboratory that we call our universe that must exist in order for assembly to occur." People are taking reality seriously? What next, we wonder? Read More ›